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Field Station
The University of Mississippi

Peer reviewed Publication

Pennington, C. H., Knight, Scott S. and Farrell, M. P.  Response of fishes to revetment placement. J. Arkansas Acad. of Sci. 39:95‑97. 1985.

Cooper, Charles M. and Knight, Scott S.  Fisheries in man‑made pools below grade‑control structures and in naturally occurring scour holes of unstable streams.  J. Soil and Water Conservation 42:370‑373. 1987.

Cooper, Charles M. and Knight, Scott S.  Residual pesticides in fishes from Lake Chicot, Arkansas. J. Arkansas Acad. of Sci. 41:26‑28. 1987.

Knight, Scott S. and Cooper, Charles M.  Fishes of Otoucalofa Creek, Mississippi prior to major channel notifications. Mississippi Acad. Sci. 32:31‑38. 1987.

Knight, Scott S. and Cooper, Charles M.  New Records of Tortopus incertus (Ephemeroptera) in Mississippi and notes on microhabitats requirements. Ent. News 100(1):21‑26. 1988.

Cooper, Charles M. and Knight, Scott S.  Bacterial contamination in two agrarian hill land streams in northern Mississippi, USA. Int. J. Ecol. Sci. 15:85‑96.  1989.

Cooper, Charles M. and Knight, Scott S.  Nutrient trapping efficiency of small sediment detention reservoir.  Ag. Water Management 18:149-158. 1990.

Cooper, Charles M. and Knight, Scott S.  Water quality cycles in two hill land streams subjected to natural, municipal and non‑point agricultural stresses in the Yazoo Basin of Mississippi (1985‑1987). Verh. Intl. Verein. Limn. 24:1654-1663. 1990.

Cooper, Charles M., Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, and Knight, Scott S.  Beyond the Fence: Implications of agricultural erosion for aquatic ecosystems.  Advances in Hydro-Science and Engineering, Vol. 1(a):596-605. 1993.

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Knight, Scott S., and Cooper, Charles M.  Restoration of an incised stream channel: Preliminary results.  Advances in Hydro-Science and Engineering, Vol. 2. pp. 1364-1369. 1993.

Malott, M. L., Benton, M. J., Knight, Scott S., Cooper, Charles M., and Benson, W. H.  Influence of sediment composition on apparent toxicity in a solid-phase test using bioluminescent bacteria.  J. of the Soc. of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.  14:411-414. 1994.

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Knight, Scott S., and Cooper, Charles M.  Effects of channel incision on base flow stream habitats and fishes. Environmental Management, 18(1):43-57. 1994.

Cooper, Charles M. and Knight, Scott S., Schiebe, F. R., and Ritchie, J. R.  Restoration of Lake Chicot, Arkansas. Advances in Hydro-Science and Engineering, 2:1497-1504. 1995.

Knight, Scott S. and Cooper, Charles M., and Shields, Jr., F. Douglas.  Ecological evaluation of watershed management projects.  Advances in Hydro-Science and Engineering, 2:813-821. 1995.

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Cooper, Charles M., and Knight, Scott S.  An experiment in stream restoration.  American Society of Civil Engineers Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 121(6):494-502. 1995.

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Knight, Scott S., and Cooper, Charles M.  Incised stream physical habitat restoration with stone weirs.  Regulated Rivers: reservoirs and management. 10:181-198. 1995.

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas Knight, Scott S., and Cooper, Charles M.  Rehabilitation of watersheds with incising channels.  Water Resources Bulletin, 31(6):971-982. 1995.

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Knight, Scott S., and Cooper, Charles M.  Use of index of biotic integrity to assess physical habitat degradation in warmwater streams. Hydrobiologia. 312:191-208. 1995.

Knight, Scott S. and Cooper, Charles M. Insecticide and metal contamination of a mixed cover agricultural watershed.  Water Science Technology.  33(2) 227-234. 1996.

Cash, W. B., Hoberton, R., and Knight, Scott S.  Corticosterone secretion in response to capture and handling in free-living red-eared slider turtles.  Endocrinology General and Comparative. 108:427-433. 1997.

Cooper, Charles M., Smiley, Jr., Peter C., Wiggington, J. D., Knight, Scott S. and Kallies, Ken W.  Vertebrate use of habitats created by installation of field-scale erosion control structures J. of Freshwater Ecology. 12(2):199-207. 1997.

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Knight, Scott S., and Cooper, Charles M.  Rehabilitation of warmwater stream ecosystems damaged by channel incision.  Ecological Engineering. (8)93-116. 1997.

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Knight, Scott S., and Cooper, Charles M.  Stream habitat restoration using spurs added to toe protection.  Management of Landscapes.  pp. 667-672.  1997.

Cooper, Charles M., Testa, III, Sam, and Knight, Scott S.  A constructed wetland system for treating agricultural waste.  Verh. International Verein. Limnology. 26(3):1321-1327. 1998.

Knight, Scott S., Cooper, Charles M., and Shields, Jr., F. Douglas.  Impact of sediment in aquatic ecosystems.  Am. Soc. of Ag. Engrs.  Paper #982129.  1998.

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Knight, Scott S., and Cooper, Charles M.  Addition of spurs to stone toe protection for warmwater fish habitat rehabilitation. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 34(6):1427-1436. 1998.

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Knight, Scott S. and Cooper Charles M.  Rehabilitation of aquatic habitats in warm water streams damaged by channel incision in Mississippi. Hydrobiologia. 382:63-86. 1998.

Steevens, J. A., Sandeep, S. V., Kallies, Ken W., Knight, Scott S., Cooper, Charles M., and Benson, W. H.  Toxicological evaluation of constructed wetland habitat sediment utilizing Hyalella azteca 10-day sediment toxicity test and bacterial bioluminescence.  Chemosphere. 36(15):3167-3180.  1998.

Cooper, Charles M., Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Testa III, Sam, and Knight, Scott S.  Sediment retention and water quality enhancement in disturbed watersheds.  International Journal of Sediment Research. 15(1):121-134. 1999.

Zablotowicz, R. M., Locke, M. A., Hoagland, R. E., Knight, Scott S., and Cash, Ben.  In vitro herbicide biotransformations by fluorescent pseudomonas isolates from Mississippi Delta oxbow lakes.  Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality. 1999.

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Knight, Scott S., and Cooper, Charles M.  Warmwater stream bank protection and fish habitat: A comparative study.  Environmental Management. 26(3): 317-328.  2000.

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Knight, Scott S. and Cooper, Charles M.  Cyclic perturbations of lowland river channels and ecological response.  Regulated Rivers Research and Management.  16:307-325. 2000.

Rebich, Richard A. and Knight, S. S. (eds.) The Mississippi Delta Management Systems Evaluation Area Project 1995-1999.  MAFES Bulletin, Mississippi State University.  222 pp. 2001.

Knight, Scott S., and Cooper, Charles M. and Welch, Terry D.  Fisheries evaluation of Mississippi Delta Management Systems Evaluation Area oxbow lakes.  pp. 147-151.  In Rebich, Richard A. and Knight, S. S. (eds.) The Mississippi Delta Management Systems Evaluation Area Project 1995-1999.  MAFES Bulletin, Mississippi State University. 222 pp. 2001

Knight, Scott S., Cooper, Charles M., and Welch, Terry D.  Effects of agricultural system practices on Mississippi Delta MSEA lake water quality.  pp. 36-146.  In Rebich, Richard A. and Knight, S. S. (eds.) The Mississippi Delta Management Systems Evaluation Area Project 1995-1999.  MAFES Bulletin, Mississippi State University.  222 pp. 2001.

Smith, Jr., Sammie, Schreiber, Jonathon D., Cooper, Charles M., Knight, Scott S., and Rodrigue, P. Water Quality Research in the Beasley Lake forested wetland/riparian area of the Mississippi Delta MSEA.  pp. 201-209.  In Rebich, Richard A. and Knight, S. S. (eds.) The Mississippi Delta Management Systems Evaluation Area Project 1995-1999.  MAFES Bulletin, Mississippi State University.  222 pp.  2001.

Zablotowicz, R. M., Locke, Martin A., Hoagland, R. E., Knight, Scott S., and Cash, Ben.  Fluorescent Pseudomonas Isolates from Mississippi Delta Oxbow Lakes: In Vitro Herbicide Biotransformations. Environmental Toxicology. 16:9-19. 2001.

Cullum, Robert F., Moore, Matthew T., Knight, Scott S., and Rodrique, P. B.  Pesticide mitigation in drainage ditches and constructed wetlands for agricultural non-point source runoff. pp. 486-493.  In: Saleh, A. (ed) Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Environmental Regulations II.  ASAE. St. Joseph, MI. 557 pp. 2003.

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Knight, Scott S., Morin, N. and Blank, J.  Response of fishes and aquatic habitats to sand-bed stream restoration using large woody debris. Hydrobiologia. 494:251-257. 2003.

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Knight, Scott S., Testa, III, Sam and Cooper, Charles M.  Use of acoustic Doppler current profilers to describe velocity distributions at the reach scale.  Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 39(6):1397-1408. 2003.

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Cooper, Charles M., Knight, Scott S. and Moore, M. T.  Stream corridor restoration research: A long and winding road.  Ecological Engineering.  20:441-454. 2003.

Moore, Matthew T., Lizotte, Jr., Richard E., Cooper, Charles M., Smith, Jr. Sammie, and Knight, Scott S.  Survival and growth of Hyalella azteca exposed to three Mississippi oxbow lake sediments.  Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 72:777-783. 2004.

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Knight, Scott S. and Cooper, Charles M.  Stream ecosystem restoration: Is watershed treatment effective without instream habitat rehabilitation? Ecological Restoration. 23(2): 103-109. 2005.

Deaver, E., Moore, M. T., Cooper, C. M., Knight, S. S. Efficiency of three aquatic macrophytes in mitigating nutrient runoff. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 31(1):1-7. 2005.

Shields Jr., F.D., Knight, S.S., Stofleth, J.M. Large wood addition for aquatic habitat rehabilitation in an incised, sand-bed stream, Little Topashaw Creek, Mississippi. River Research and Applications. Vol 22, Issue 7, pp 803-817. 2006.

Cullum, R.F., Knight, S.S., Cooper, C.M., Smith Jr, S.  Combined effects of best management practices on water quality in oxbow lakes from agricultural watersheds. Soil & Tillage Research.  Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. doi:10.1016/j.stil.2005.09.004, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 90:212-221. 2006.

Zablotowicz, R.M., Locke, M.A., Krutz, L.J., Lerch, R.N., Lizotte Jr, R.E., Knight, S.S., Gordon, R.E., Steinriede Jr., R.W. Influence of watershed system management on herbicide concentrations in Mississippi delta oxbow lakes. Science of the Total Environment 370:552-560. 2006.

Moore, M.T., Lizotte Jr, R.E., Knight, S.S., Smith Jr, S., Cooper, C.M. Assessment of pesticide contamination in three Mississippi delta oxbow lakes using Hyalella azteca. Chemosphere. 67(11):2184-2191. 2007.

Knight, S.S., Lizotte Jr., R.E., Smith Jr., S., Bryant, C.T. Distribution and spatial variation in surface sediment pesticides of Mississippi alluvial plain. Journal International Environmental Application and Science. 2(3&4):40-50. 2007.

Moore, M.T., Cooper, C.M., Smith Jr., S., Cullum, R.F., Knight, S.S., Locke, M.A., Bennett, E.R. Diazinon Mitigation in Constructed Wetlands: Influence of Vegetation. Journal Of Water Air And Soil Pollution 184:313-321. 2007.

Shields Jr, F.D., Knight, S.S., Cooper, C.M. Can warmwater streams be rehabilitated using watershed-scale standard erosion control measures alone? Environmental Management 40:62-79. DOI 10.1007/s00267-006-0191-0. 2007.

Smith Jr, S., Cooper, C.M., Lizotte Jr., R.E., Locke, M.A., Knight, S.S. Pesticides in Lake Water in the Beasley Lake Watershed, 1998-2005. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 33:61-71. 2007.

Smith Jr, S., Lizotte Jr, R.E., Knight, S.S. Pesticide body residues of Hyalella azteca exposed to Mississippi Delta Sediments. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 78(1):26-29.  DOI: 10.1007/s00128-007-9020-2. 2007.

Knight, S. S., Cullum, R. F., Cooper, C. M. and Lizotte, Jr. R. E. Effects of Suspended Sediments on the Chlorophyll – Phosphorus Relationship in Oxbow Lakes. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 34 (1): 01-06, 2008.

Locke, M.A., Knight, S.S., Smith Jr, S., Cullum, R.F., Zablotowicz, R.M., Yuan, Y., Bingner, R.L. Environmental Quality Research in Beasley Lake Watershed, 1995- 2007: Succession from Conventional to Conservation Practices. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 63: 430-442. 2008.

Knight, S.S., Cooper, C.M. Bias Associated With Sampling Interval in Removal Method for Fish Population Estimates. Journal International Environmental Application and Science, 3(4): 201-206. 2008.

Shields Jr, F.D., Knight, S.S., Stofleth, J.M. Stream bed organic carbon and biotic integrity. Aquatic Conservation. 18:761-779. 2008.

Knight, S.S., Lizotte Jr., R.E., Moore, M.T., Smith Jr, S., Shields Jr, F.D. Mississippi Oxbow Lake Sediment Quality During an Artificial Flood. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 82(4): 496-500. DOI 10.1007/s00128-009- 9653-4. 2009.

Knight, S.S., Lizotte Jr, R.E., Shields Jr., F.D. Hyalella azteca Responses to Coldwater River Backwater Sediments in Mississippi, USA. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 83(4): 493-496. DOI 10.1007/s00128-009-9804-7. 2009.

Lizotte Jr, R.E., Knight, S.S., Bryant, C.T., Smith Jr, S. Agricultural Pesticides in Mississippi Delta Oxbow Lake Sediments During Autumn and Their Effects on Hyalella azteca. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 57(3): 495-503. DOI: 10.1007/s00244-009-9327-6. 2009.

Lizotte Jr, R.E., Shields Jr, F.D., Knight, S.S., Bryant, C.T. Efficiency of a Modified Backwater Wetland in Trapping a Pesticide Mixture. Journal of Ecohydrology 2(3): 287-289. DOI: 1002/eco.52. 2009.

Lizotte Jr., R.E., Knight, S.S., Shields Jr., F.D., Bryant, C.T. Effects of an Atrazine, Metolachlor, and Fipronil Mixture on Hyalella azteca in a Modified Backwater Wetland. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 83(6): 836-840. DOI 10.1007/s00128-009-9850-1. 2009.

Moore, M.T., Cooper, C.M., Smith Jr., S., Cullum, R.F., Knight, S.S., Locke, M.A., Bennett, E.R. Mitigation of two pyrethroid insecticides in a Mississippi Delta constructed wetland. Environmental Pollution. 157: 250-256. 2009.

Shields Jr, F.D., Lizotte Jr, R.E., Knight, S.S., Cooper, C.M. and Wilcox, D. L. The Stream Channel Incision Syndrome and Water Quality. Ecological Engineering. 36 92010):78-90. DOI:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2009.09.014. 2010.

Smiley, P.C., Knight, S.S., Shields, Jr., F.D., Cooper, C.M. Influence of Gully Erosion Control on Amphibian and Reptile Communities within Riparian Zones of Channelized Streams. Ecohydrology. 2(3):302-312.  DOI:10.1002/eco.59. 2009.

Smiley, P.C., Shields Jr, F.D., Knight, S.S. Designing impact assessments for evaluating ecological effects of agricultural conservation practices on streams. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 45:867-878. 2009.

Knight, S. S., Lizotte, Jr., R. E., Smith, Jr., S. and Bryant, C. T. Responses of Hyalella azteca to Chronic Exposure of Mississippi Delta Sediments.  Journal of environmental science and engineering.  4:(3):1-12 (Serial No.28).  2010.

Lizotte, Jr., R. E.  Knight, S. S. and Cooper, C. M.  Toxicity Evaluation of a Conservation Effects Assessment Program Watershed, Beasley Lake, in the Mississippi Delta, USA” Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2010) 84:422-426. 2010.

Cullum R.F., Locke M.A., and Knight S.S. Effects of conservation reserve program on runoff and lake water quality in an oxbow lake watershed. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science 5:318-328. 2010.

Zablotowicz, R.M., Zimba, P.V., Locke, M.A., Knight, S.S., Lizotte Jr., R.E., Gordon, R.E.  Effects of land management practices on water quality in Mississippi Delta oxbow lakes: Biochemical and microbiological aspects. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 139 (2010) 214–223.  2010.

Lizotte Jr, R.E., Knight, S.S., Bryant, C.T. Sediment quality assessment of Beasley Lake: Bioaccumulation and effects of pesticides in Hyalella azteca. Chemistry and Ecology. 26(6):411-424. DOI:10.1080/02757540.2010.522997. 2010.

Shields, Jr., F. D., Lizotte, Jr., R. E., and Knight, S. S. Spatial and temporal water quality variability in aquatic habitats of a cultivated floodplain. River Res. Applic.  29(3):313-329.   DOI: 10.1002/rra.1596. 2011.

Lizotte, R. E., Jr., Shields, F. D., Jr. Knight, S. S., Cooper, C. M., Testa, III, S. and Bryant, C. T. Effects of artificial flooding on water quality of a floodplain backwater. River Res. Applic.   10: 1644–1657. Wiley Online Library. DOI: 10.1002/rra.1553. 2012.

Lizotte, Jr., R. E., Shields, Jr., F. D., Murdock, J. N., and Knight, S. S.  Responses of Hyalella azteca and phytoplankton to a simulated agricultural runoff event in a managed backwater wetland. Chemosphere 87 (7) 684-691. DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere. 2011.12.058. 2012.

Lizotte, Jr., R. E., Shields, Jr., F. D., Murdock, J. N., Kroger, R., and Knight, S. S.  Mitigating agrichemicals from an artificial runoff event using a managed riverine wetland. Science of the Total Environment 427–428 (2012) 373–381.  2012.

Knight, S. S., R.F. Cullum, F.D. Shields Jr. and P.C. Smiley. Effects of Channelization on Fish Biomass in River Ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering. David Publishing Company. 1(8):980-985. 2012.

Shields, Jr., F. D., and Knight, S. S.. Significance of Riverine Hypoxia for Fish: The Case of the Big Sunflower River, Mississippi. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 48(1): 170–186. DOI: 10.1111 ⁄j.1752-1688.2011.00606.x. 2012.

Knight, S. S., Rebich, R. A., Locke, M. A., Smith, Jr., S. 2012.  Effects of agricultural conservation practices on oxbow lake watersheds in the Mississippi River alluvial plain.  Soil & Water Res., 8 (3): 113–123. 2012.

Shields, F.D. Jr. and Knight, S.S.    Floodplain restoration with flood control: Fish habitat value of levee borrow pits Ecological Engineering 53 (2013) 217– 227.  2013.

Knight S. S. and Cullum R. F. Effects of conservation practices on fisheries management. Journal of Agriculture and Biodiversity Research. JABR ISSN 2277-0836 3(1) 1-8. (on-line). 2014.

Knight, S.S., Lizotte Jr., R.E., and Shields Jr., F.D. Effects of contaminated sediments on a backwater restoration project in the Mississippi River. Delta. Journal International Environmental Application and Science. Vol. 9 (2): 231-237.  2014.

Lizotte, Jr. R. E., Knight, S. S. Locke, M. A. and Binger, R. L.  Influence of integrated watershed-scale agricultural conservation practices on lake water quality. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 69(2): 160-170. 2014.

Knight, S. S., R. F. Cullum, and R. E. Lizotte, Jr. The limnology of a Mississippi River alluvial plain oxbow lake following the application of conservation practices. Journal of Water Resource and Protection. Journal of Water Resource and Protection. 7, 707-714. 2015.

Knight, S. S. and Shields, Jr., F. D.  Fish communities associated with a complex Mississippi stream system. International Journal of Ecological Science and Engineering. AASCIT ISSN: 2375-3854. 1 (3): 73-79. (on-line). 2014.

Knight, S. S. and Killgore, Jack.  Effects of Sampling Methodology on Fish Based IBI Metrics. Journal of Agriculture and Biodiversity Research.  3(8) 117-125. 2014.

Knight, S. S. and Welch, T. D. Influence of Geomorphology on Fish Fauna of a Small Mississippi Bluffline Stream. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 4 169-176. 2015 doi 10.7265/2162-5263/2015.04.001

Knight, S. S., King, M. and Cooper, C. M.  Suspended sediment impact on chlorophyll a, nitrogen and phosphorus relationships in Moon Lake, MS, USA. The International Journal of earth & Environmental Science. 1 (1) 1-9. 2015.

Lizotte, Jr. R. E., Locke, M. A., Bingner, Ron, Lindsey, Yasarer, and Knight, S. S. Lake Nutrient Responses to Integrated Conservation Practices in an Agricultural Watershed. 2016. (accepted )


Technical Reports, Book Chapters, Proceedings and Other Publications

Knight, Scott S. Investigation of the food habits of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) during periods of flooding on the Tombigbee River, Mississippi. Mississippi State University Library. 31 pp. 1981. (M.S. Thesis)

Robinette, H. R. and Knight, Scott S.  Food of channel catfish during flooding of the Tombigbee River, Mississippi.  Proceedings 35th Annual Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. 35:598‑606. 1981.  (Conference Proceedings)

Knight, Scott S.  Optimal allocation of sampling effort for the roving creel survey on West Point Reservoir. Auburn University Library. 29 pp. 1984. (Dissertation)

Bosley, T. R., Pennington, C. H., Potter, M. E., and Knight, Scott S. Evaluation of larval fish sampling gear for use on large rivers. TRE86‑0 U. S. Army Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. 48 pp. 1986. (Project Report)

Cooper, Charles M. and Knight, Scott S.  Status Report: Ecological aspects ‑ Demonstration Erosion Control Project in the Yazoo Basin. Mississippi Chapter Amer. Fisheries Soc. 10:36‑43. 1986. (Conference Proceedings)

Cooper, Charles M. and Knight, Scott S.  Fisheries potential of permanent man‑made pools below grade control structures in high gradient streams. Mississippi Chapter ‑ American Fisheries Society 10:44‑48. 1986.  (Conference Proceedings)

Pennington, C. H., Knight, Scott S., and Sanders, L. A. Disposal of dredge material in an Arkansas River dike pool. Misc. Paper. U. S. Army Engineers Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg, MS. 1987. (Project Report)

Cooper, Charles M. and Knight, Scott S.  New structures for river and stream fishing. Miss. Game and Fish Management, May 1989. p. 12. 1989. (Popular article)

Cooper, Charles M., Knight, Scott S., and McDowell, L. L.  Pre‑Project water quality of two watershed streams in DEC Project in Yazoo Basin in Mississippi.  March 1989. (U. S. Dept. of Commerce) PB 89‑198‑81, 32 pp. (NTIS Technical Research Report)

Cooper, Charles M. and Knight, Scott S.  Nutrient trapping efficiency in small farm ponds.  Symp. on Environmentally Sound Agriculture.  2:673-680. 1991. (Conference Proceedings)

Knight, Scott S. and Malvestuto, S. P.  Comparison of three allocations of monthly sampling effort of the roving creel survey on West Point Lake.  Int. Symp. and Workshop on Creel and Angler Surveys in Fisheries Management 1990.   pp. 97-101. 1991. (Book Chapter)

Malvestuto, S. P. and Knight, Scott S.  Evaluation of components of variance for a stratified, two-stage roving creel survey with implications for sample size allocation.  Int. Symp. and Workshop on Creel and Angler Surveys in Fisheries Management 1990. pp. 109-115.  1991. (Book Chapter)

Knight, Scott S. and Cooper, Charles M.  Effects of bank protection on stream fishes. Fifth Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conf., Las Vegas, NV.  pp. 13-34 – 13-39. 1991. (Conference Proceedings)

Knight, Scott S. and Cooper, Charles M.  Distribution of insecticides and metals in a mixed agricultural watershed.  Symp. on Environmentally Sound Agric. 2:681-694.  1991. (Conference Proceedings)

Cooper, Charles M., Testa, III, Sam, and Knight, Scott S.  Evaluation of ARS and SCS Constructed Wetland/Animal Waste Treatment Project at Hernando, Mississippi.  Interim Report 1990-1991.  Demonstration Erosion Control Project, Technology Application Project Report. 28 pp. 1992. (Technical Report)

Cooper, Charles M., McCoy, P. G., and Knight, Scott S.  Evaluation of the Coldwater River.  Interim Report January, 1989 through June, 1991.  Demonstration Erosion Control Project, Technology Application Project Report.  32 pp. 1992. (Technical Report)

Cooper, Charles M. and Knight, Scott S. Causes and consequences of agricultural crop production NPS pollution in the Mississippi Delta.  Proceedings of Nonpoint Source Water Pollution: Causes, Consequences, and Cures. Fayetteville, Arkansas, pp. 1-16. 1992.  (Conference Proceedings)

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Cooper, Charles M., and Knight, Scott S.  Rehabilitation of aquatic habitats in unstable streams. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on River Sedimentation, Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 1093-1102. 1992. (Symposium Proceedings)

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Knight, Scott S., and Cooper, Charles M.  Rehabilitation of watersheds with inicising channels in Mississippi, U.S.A.  Proceedings of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers, Annual Meeting, 21-22 October, 1994, Pusan, pp. 101-121. 1994. (Conference Proceedings)

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Knight, Scott S., and Cooper, Charles M. Streambank protection and habitat restoration.  pp. 721-725.  In Espey, Jr., W. H. and Combs, P. G. (eds.), Water Resources Engineering, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Water Resources Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, 1995. (Conference Proceedings)

Cooper, Charles M., Testa, III, Sam, and Knight, Scott S.  Preliminary effectiveness of constructed wetlands for dairy waste treatment. Environmentally Sound Agriculture, Proceedings of the Second Conference. pp. 439-446. 1994. (Conference Proceedings)

Hardegree, Stuart, Shipitalo, Martin, Knight, Scott S., and Feldhake, Charles. Biological processes and hydrology:  Scientific challenges and research opportunities.  Proceeding of ARS Conference on Hydrology. pp. 131-146. 1994. (Conference Proceedings)

Knight, Scott S., Starks, Patrick J., Hardegree, Stuart, and Weltz, Mark. Scientific challenges and opportunities in wetland and riparian research. Proceeding of ARS Conference on Hydrology. pp. 147-162. 1994. (Conference Proceedings)

Cooper, Charles M., Testa, III, Sam, and Knight, Scott S.  Evaluation of ARS and SCS Constructed Wetland/Animal Waste Treatment Project at Hernando, Mississippi. Local Publication.  National Sedimentation Laboratory Report No. 2. 1993. (Technical Report)

Knight, Scott S., Cooper, Charles M.  Preliminary water quality analysis of drop pipe inlet basins in the DEC Project.  Proceedings of the Sixth Fed. Interagency Sedimentation Conf.  Vol. 2, P24-P27. 1995. (Conference Proceedings)

Smith, Sammie, Jr., Cooper, Charles M., Knight, Scott S., Willis, G. H., and Southwick, L. M. Pesticide transport research at the NSL:  Past, present, future. Proc. Miss. Water Resources Conference 1995.  pp. 24-29.  1995. (Conference Proceedings)

Brookes, A., Knight, Scott S. and Shields, Jr., F. Douglas.  Habitat enhancement. Chapter 4, pp. 103-126.  In Brookes, A. and Shields, F. D., Jr. (eds.) River Channel Restoration.  John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, U.K., 433 pp. 1996. (Book Chapter)

Cooper, Charles M., Testa, III, Sam, Knight, Scott S., and Bowen, J. J.  Assessment of a constructed bulrush wetland for treatment of cattle waste: 1991-1994. NSL Publication No. 4. 31 pp. 1996. (Technical Report)

Cooper, Charles M., Smiley, Jr., Peter C., Wiggington, J. D., Knight, Scott S. and Kallies, Ken W.  Vertebrate utilization of habitat created by installation of drop pipes. Proceedings of the Sixth Fed. Interagency Sedimentation Conf.  Vol. 2, P19-P22.  1996. (Conference Proceedings)

Cooper, Charles M., Knight, Scott S., and Shields F. Douglas, Jr.  Ecological studies on the Demonstration Erosion Control Project in the Yazoo Basin. Proceedings of the Sixth Fed. Interagency Sedimentation Conf.  Vol. 1, pp. II6-II13.  1996. (Conference Proceedings)

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Knight, Scott S., and Cooper, Charles M.  A tale of two streams: Restoration strategies compared. Proceedings of the Sixth Fed. Interagency Sedimentation Conf.  Vol. 1, pp. II24-II31. 1996. (Conference Proceedings)

Schreiber, Jonathon D., Cooper, Charles M., Knight Scott S., and Smith, Jr., Sammie.  Management system evaluation (MSEA) Project for the Mississippi Delta.  American Water Resources Association Annual Summer Symposium on Watershed Restoration Management, July 14-17, Syracuse, New York, p. 301-310. 1996. (Conference Proceedings)

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Knight, Scott S., and Cooper, Charles M.  Channel restoration of incising, mixed grain size streams:  lessons learned.  In Bathala, C. T., (ed.) Proceedings of the North American Water and Environment Congress, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, no page numbers, published as CD-ROM. 1996. (Conference Proceedings)

Cooper, Charles M., Knight, Scott S., and Shields, Jr., F. Douglas. The Demonstration Erosion Control Project:  Water Quality and Channel Rehabilitation in Incised Streams.  Proceedings, The Delta: Connecting Points of View for Sustainable Natural Resources, Lower Mississippi Valley Natural Resources Partnership. Memphis, TN.  p. 209-213. 1997. (Conference Proceedings)

Cooper, Charles M., Knight, Scott S., and Shields, Jr., F. Douglas.  The Demonstration Erosion Control Project: Water quality in incised streams. pp. 1025-1028.  In Wang, S. S. Y., Langendoen, E. J., and Shields, Jr., F. Douglas (eds.)  Management of landscapes disturbed by channel incision. 1134 pp. 1997. (Conference Proceedings)

Knight, Scott S., Cooper, Charles M., and Smiley, Jr., Peter C.  Water quality of drop pipe inlet basins in the DEC project. pp. 1035-1040.  In Wang, S. S. Y., Langendoen, E. J., and Shields, Jr., F. Douglas (eds.)  Management of landscapes disturbed by channel incision. 1134 pp. 1997. (Conference Proceedings)

Knight, Scott S., Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, and Cooper, Charles M.  Fisheries-based characterization of Demonstration Erosion Control Project streams. pp. 893-897.  In Wang, S. S. Y., Langendoen, E. J., and Shields, Jr., F. Douglas (eds.)  Management of landscapes disturbed by channel incision. 1134 pp. 1997. (Conference Proceedings)

Smiley, Jr., Peter C., Cooper, Charles M., Kallies, Ken W. and Knight, Scott S.  Assessing habitats created by installation of drop pipes. pp. 903-910.  In Wang, S. S. Y., Langendoen,  E. J. Langendoen, and Shields, Jr., F. Douglas (eds.)  Management of landscapes disturbed by channel incision. 1134 pp. 1997. (Conference Proceedings)

Steevens, J. A., Sandeep, S. V., Kallies, Ken W., Knight, Scott S., Cooper, Charles M., and Benson, W. H.  Temporary pond habitats formed by drop pipe technology: a toxicological evaluation utilizing Hyalella azteca and bacterial bioluminescence.  pp. 1029-1034.  In Wang, S. S. Y., Langendoen, E. J., and Shields, Jr., F. Douglas (eds.) Management of landscapes disturbed by channel incision.  1134 pp. 1997. (Conference Proceedings)

Cooper, Charles M., Hudson, F. D., Knight, Scott S., and Shields, Jr., F. Douglas.  Channel rehabilitation in incised streams:  Using stabilization measures for habitat enhancement.  Proceedings, The Delta: Connecting Points of View for Sustainable Natural Resources, Lower Mississippi Valley Natural Resources Partnership, pp. 197-208. 1998. (Conference Proceedings)

Cooper, Charles M., Shields, Jr., F. Douglas and Knight, Scott S.  Channel rehabilitation in incised streams: Combining structures and ecology.  pp. 192-198.  In: Hansen, H. O., and Madsen, B. L., (eds.) Proceedings of River Restoration, 96-Session Lectures. National Environmental Research Institute, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Denmark. 1998. (Conference Proceedings)

Smiley, Jr., Peter C., Cooper, Charles M., Kallies, Ken W., and Knight, Scott S.   Assessing habitats created by installation of drop pipes.  NRCS Wetlands Science Institute. Wetland Assessment Information Series No. 2, 8 pp. 1998. (Technical Report)

Smiley, Jr., Peter C., Knight, Scott S., Cooper, Charles M., and Kallies, Ken W.  Fish utilization of riparian habitats created by erosion control structures.  Proc. Miss. Water Res. Conf.  pp. 154-161.  1998. (Conference Proceedings)

Knight, Scott S., Cooper, Charles M., and Cash, Ben.  Preliminary analysis of MSEA Lake water quality. Proc. Miss. Water Res. Conf.  pp. 39-44. 1998. (Conference Proceedings)

Smiley, Jr., Peter C., Knight, Scott S., Cooper, Charles M. and Kallies, Ken W.   Fish richness and abundance created riparian habitats of channelized northern Mississippi Streams.  Southeastern Fishes Council Proceedings. 39:7-12. 1999. (Conference Proceedings)

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Knight, Scott S., Cooper, Charles M. and Testa, III, Sam.  Large woody debris structures for incised channel rehabilitation.  Proceedings of the ASCE 2000 Joint Conference on Water Resources Planning and Management, Environmental and Water Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.  Published on CD-ROM. 2000. (Conference Proceedings)

Knight, Scott S., and Welch Terry D.  Ecological and water quality effects of the Mississippi Delta Management Systems Evaluation Area on oxbow lakes.  Proc. Miss. Water Resources Conference.  Mississippi Water Resources Research Institute, Mississippi State University. pp. 131-143. 2001. (Conference Proceedings)

Simon, A., Kuhnle, R. A., Knight, Scott S., and Dickerson, W.  Reference and enhanced rates of suspended-sediment transport for use in developing clean sediment TMDL’s: Examples from Mississippi and the Southeastern United States. Wetland Engineering and River Restoration Conference Proceedings.  2001.  (Conference Proceedings)

Knight, Scott S., Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Smiley, Peter C. and Cooper, Charles M. Comparison of fish catches from sediment damaged river ecosystems.  Proceedings of Seventh Fed. Interagency Sedimentation Conf.  Vol I. pp. 50-53.  2001. (Conference Proceedings)

Kuhnle, R. A., Simon, A. and Knight, Scott S.  Developing linkages between sediment load and biological impairment for clean sediment TMDLs. Wetlands Engineering and River Restoration Conference, ASCE, Reno, Nevada, CD-ROM, 2001. (Conference Proceedings)

Cullum, Robert F., Knight, Scott S., Lizotte, Jr., Richard E., Cooper, Charles M.  Water quality from oxbow lakes within the Mississippi Delta Management Systems Evaluation Area.  pp. 83-91.  In: Saleh, A. (ed.) Water management to meet emerging TMDL environmental regulations conference.  ASAE, St. Joseph, MI. 605 pp. 2002. (Conference Proceedings)

Kuhnle, R. A., Simon, A. and Knight, Scott S.  Developing linkages between clean sediment load and biological impairment. Proceeding of Central Plains Aquatic Bioassessment and Biocriteria Symposium, 2002. (Conference Proceedings)

Knight, S. S.,  Rebich, R. A., Smith, Jr. S.,  Schreiber, J. D., Locke, M. A. and Hanks, J. E.  The Mississippi Delta Management Systems Evaluation Area Project.  Sixth International Conference on Diffuse Pollution. pp. 471-478. 2002. (Conference Proceedings)

Knight, S.S., Cullum, R.F., Welch, T.D., Cooper, C.M. 2002. Sediment-Chlorophyll Relationship in Oxbow Lakes in the Mississippi River Alluvial Plain. Proceedings of Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Environmental Regulations, March 11-13, Fort Worth, TX, pp. 76-82. (Sponsored by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers International (ASABE)). (Conference Proceedings)

Cooper, Charles M., Testa, III, Sam, Knight, Scott S. and Welch, T. D.  Fish tissue contamination in regions of the Yalobusha River and Grenada Reservoir Watershed.  Mississippi Water Resources Research Conference Proceedings.  Mississippi Water Resources Research – Geo Resources Institute, Mississippi State University, pp. 57-67. CD-ROM, 2003. (Conference Proceedings)

Lizotte, Jr. R. E., Moore, M. T. Cooper, C. M. Hill, Jr, J.T. Holland, M. M. and Knight, S. S. Water quality of northern Mississippi hill land stream in the Demonstration Erosion control (DEC) Project: Calendar Year 2001.  Laboratory Publication. 2003. No.35. pp 85. 2003. (Technical Report)

Lizotte, Jr. R. E., Mikell, Jr. A. T., Moore, M. T., Cooper, C. M., Knight, S. S. and Hill, Jr, J.T.  Water quality of northern Mississippi hill land stream in the Demonstration Erosion control (DEC) Project: Calendar Year 2002 with emphasis on Chlorophyll.  Laboratory Publication. 2004. No.405. pp 86.  2004. (Technical Report)

Cooper, Charles M., Knight, Scott S. and Testa, III, Sam.  Constructed Wetlands: An edge-of-field management practice for reduction of coliform.  Mississippi Water Resources Research Conference Proceedings.  Mississippi Water Resources Research – Geo Resources Institute, Mississippi State University, pp. 25-30. CD-ROM, 2004. (Conference Proceedings)

Cooper, Charles M., Lizotte, Jr., R. E., Knight, Scott S. and Moore, Matthew T.  The Demonstration Erosion Control Project: aspects of water quality in Abiaca Creek, Mississippi.  Mississippi Water Resources Research Conference Proceedings. Mississippi Water Resources Research – Geo Resources Institute, Mississippi State University, pp. 73-88. CD-ROM, 2004. (Conference Proceedings)

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas, Knight, Scott S.  Ten years after: Retrospective evaluation of a stream habitat restoration project. pp. 38-50.  In Clar, M., Carpenter, D., Gracie, J., and Slate, L. (eds.)  Protection and Restoration of Urban and Rural Streams, Proceedings of the Symposium,  American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA,  2004. (Conference Proceedings)

Dabney, S. M., Schreiber, J. D., Smith, S. and Knight, Scott S.  Groundwater nutrients in the Beasley Lake Watershed of the Mississippi Delta Management Systems Evaluation Area.  pp. 75-90.  In: Nett, Mary, Locke, Martin A., Pennington, Dean (eds.) Water Quality Assessments in the Mississippi Delta, Regional Solutions, National Scope. ACS Symposium Series 877, American Chemical Society, Oxford University Press, Washington, D. C.  284 pp. 2004.  (Book Chapter)

Knight, Scott S., and Welch, Terry D.  Evaluation of watershed management practices on oxbow lake ecology and water quality. pp. 119-133. In: Nett, Mary, Locke, Martin A., Pennington, Dean (eds.) Water Quality Assessments in the Mississippi Delta, Regional Solutions, National Scope. ACS Symposium Series 877, American Chemical Society, Oxford University Press, Washington, D. C.  284 pp.  2004. (Book Chapter)

Zablotowicz, Robert M., Locke, Martin A., Lerch, Robert N. and Knight, Scott S.  Dynamics of herbicide concentrations in Mississippi Delta oxbow lakes and the role of planktonic microorganisms. pp. 134‑149.  In: Nett, Mary, Locke, Martin A., Pennington, Dean (eds.) Water Quality Assessments in the Mississippi Delta, Regional Solutions, National Scope. ACS Symposium Series 877, American Chemical Society, Oxford University Press, Washington, D. C.  284 pp. 2004. (Book Chapter)

Shields Jr., F.D., Knight, S.S., Stofleth, J.M. Alternatives for riverine backwater restoration by manipulation of severed meander bend. Walton, R., editor. Proceedings of the 2005 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress: Impacts of global climate change. American Society of Civil Engineers Proceedings 173(566), doi:10.1061/40792(173)566, Reston, VA, CD-ROM. 2005. (Conference Proceedings)

Owens Janna, Angus, Robert, Marion, Ken, Knight, Scott and Simon, Andrew.  Developing Links Between Aquatic-Community Structure and Sediment-Related Variables: Preliminary Results from the Ridge and Valley. Proceeding of the Fifteenth Tennessee Water Resources Symposium April 13-15 2005. American Water Resources Association. 300 pp. (Conference Proceedings)

Shields Jr, F.D., and Knight, S.S. Large wood for stream habitat restoration: Harder than it looks. Stream Notes. Stream Systems Technology Center, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort, Collins, CO. p. 4-6. 2005. (Research Notes)

Cooper, C. M., Shields, F. D., Jr., Knight, S. S. Watershed management principles as components of larger-scale basin improvement for ecological and economical sustainability. Proceedings of the International Yellow River Forum. 2:75-84. 2005. (Conference Proceedings)

Knight, S.S., Boyer, K.L. Effects of Conservation Practices on Aquatic Habitats and Fauna. In: Haufler, J. B., Editor. Fish and Wildlife Benefits of Agricultural Conservation Practices. The Wildlife Society Technical Review 07-1, Bethesda, Maryland. p. 83-101. 2007. (Book Chapter)

Shields Jr., F.D., Knight, S.S., Lizotte Jr, R.E. Kondolf Diagram for River Restoration. In Babcock, R.W. and Walter R. (eds.) Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress Conference. American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA. CD-ROM. 2008. (Conference Proceedings)

Shields Jr., F.D., Knight, S.S., Stofleth, J.M., Wren, D.G. Towards a Basis for Designing Backwater and Side Channel Restorations. Water Engineering for a Sustainable Environment, Proceedings, International Association for Hydraulic Research 33rd Congress, IAHR, Madrid, CD-ROM. 2009. (Conference Proceedings)

Cullum, R.F., Locke, M.A., Knight, S.S. How Conservation Reserve Program Affects Runoff and Nutrients in an Oxbow Lake Watershed. ASABE Annual International Meeting, Reno, NV, June 2009, Paper #097236. 2009. (Conference Proceedings)

Cullum, R.F., Knight, S.S., Cooper, C.M. and Smith, S. Best management effects on water quality in oxbow lakes within the Mississippi Delta. ASABE Annual International Meeting. 2003. (Conference Proceedings).

Shields Jr., F.D., Knight, S.S., Lizotte Jr., R.E., and Wren, D.G. Connectivity and variability: metrics for riverine floodplain backwater rehabilitation. In The scientific basis for stream restoration in dynamic fluvial systems: Deterministic approaches, analysis and tools.  2011. (Book Chapter)

Lizotte Jr., R.E., Knight, S.S., Locke, M.A. and Steinriede Jr., R. Ten-year assessment of agricultural management and land-use practices on pesticide loads and risk to aquatic biota of an oxbow lake in the Mississippi Delta. 2012. (Book Chapter)

Lizotte, Jr., R. E. Knight, S. S. Locke, M. A. Steinriede, W. Testa S. and Bryant C. Water quality monitoring of an agricultural watershed lake: the effectiveness of agricultural best management practices. Design and Nature VI 283, ISSN 1743-3541 (on-line).  2012. (Book Chapter)

Smiley Jr., P.C., Knight, S.S., Shields Jr., F.D., and Cooper, C.M. Influence of gully erosion control on amphibian and reptile communities within riparian zones of channelized streams. The National Sedimentation Laboratory 50th Anniversary Symposium Proceedings, Sept 3-5, 2008.  2011. (Conference Proceedings)

Shields Jr., F.D., and Knight, S.S.  Pre-restoration assessment, Big Sunflower River, Mississippi: Where to begin?  Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water resources Congress Conference.  2010.  (Conference Proceedings)

Shields Jr., F.D., Knight, S.S., Lizotte Jr., R.E., Bryant, C.B. and Wren, D.G. Floodplain backwater Restoration: A Case Study.  Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference Proceedings.  2010. (Conference Proceedings)

Lizotte Jr., R.E., Shields Jr., F.D., Knight, S.S., Bryant, C.B.  Pesticide trapping efficiency of a modified backwater wetland using a simulated runoff event. The National Sedimentation Laboratory 50th Anniversary Symposium Proceedings, Sept 3-5, 2008.  2011. (Conference Proceedings)

Lizotte Jr., R. E., Shields Jr., F. D., Locke, M. A., Murdock, J., Knight, S. S. Factors affecting low summer dissolved oxygen concentrations in Mississippi Delta bayous. MAFES Bull. 27-38. 2013. (Conference Proceedings)